SEO & Organic services for businesses doing +5M ARR

For Ecommerce and B2B businesses. Technical, Content and OnPage optimization to increase ranking positions, to get qualified organic traffic and more sales/leads.

You might be facing issues like


You’re receiving less organic traffic than expected


You are not converting. Either more sales or more qualified leads.


Your competition seems to dominate search engine results.


You’re not targeting the right keywords for your industry.


Your site’s load time is slow, affecting user experience and rankings.

Client Experiences with us

Refindable has helped Db Journey streamline their CRM efforts and improve the organization by integrating with HubSpot and Brightpearl. More about DB’s experience.

Anna Plaza

CRM Lead, DB

Facundo and his team did an amazing job transitioning our website from WordPress to Shopify.

Alexander Ehret

Director of Hospitality, EHRET Winery

Partnering with Refindable has been exceptional. Their tailored strategies, transparent communication, and results-driven approach have led to significant boosts in our search engine rankings and conversions. More about Hokali’s experience.

Tom Bisi

Co-Founder & CTO, HOKALI

Collaborating with Refindable across various SEO and Growth Strategy initiatives has proven immensely successful. More about Glyph’s experience.

Moira Triveri

Marketing Strategist, Glyph

Refindable was an exceptional partner during the early stages of building our website, formulating our email integrations, and setting up subscription services for our online platform. More about Alkeme’s experience.

Melinda Kopet

Co-Founder, This is Alkeme

Working with Refindable has been a game-changer for Clarity Movement’s SEO strategy. More about Clarity’s experience.

Ryan Higgins

Director of Marketing, Clarity

Our partnership with Refindable for our lead generation strategy was excellent. More about Bayonet’s experience.

Ximena Caballero

Head of Sales, Bayonet

As the founder of South Talent, we were looking for a partner to help us grow and improve our outreach process, and we found that in Refindable. More about South Talent’s experience.

Gigi DeBiasi

Founder, South Talent

As a brand founder and CEO, I work with a lot of outside contractors. Working with Refindable has been one of the best experiences for three reasons. More about Gnarly’s experience.

Eli Kerr

Founder and CEO, Gnarly

Refindable team lead generation project with us has been extremely organized and methodic, and will not stop until he gets things done. You can’t go wrong having them in your corner.

Federico Halperin

Founder and CEO, Kubikware

SEO & Organic services for you

  • Qualified Keywords: It’s not just about volume, it’s about ranking for the right keywords that will drive business to you.
  • Higher Ranking positions: Improve your website’s position on search engine result pages.
  • Increased Organic Traffic: Attract more visitors naturally through optimized content. Overall and YoY comparisons.
  • Better Conversion Rates: Drive qualified traffic that converts into leads and sales. Also, we care about User Experience and Content towards this.
  • Get more leads / more sales: Our goal is that your business grows. We care about qualified leads and purchases.

How does SEO help your business?



We improve internal linking structure to enhance site navigation.


We optimize meta tags, headers, and images to boost search rankings.



We make sure your site loads quickly and efficiently for a better user experience and higher rankings.



We enhance current content to align with SEO best practices.


We Identify content gaps with your competitors and opportunities to address them.



We develop high-quality content that attracts and engages your target audience.

UX / CRO for Organic



We identify and implement strategies to grow your online presence and audience.


We analyse site’s traffic and sales funnels to identify areas for improvement and increase conversions.



We improve user experience and design to boost lead generation and conversion rates.

We helped Clarity achieve a 4x increase in Organic Performance

Working on Technical, Content and On-Page SEO, we increased the number of qualified leads by improving non-branded Organic traffic.

YoY 4x increase.

The business now ranks on keywords that have brought more Sales-qualified leads than ever.

FAQs about our SEO & Organic services

How long does it take to see results in SEO?

SEO campaigns take time. Typically in the first 3 to 6 months we start seeing positive increases due to optimizing current site’s structure and finding quick wins within top performing articles. Real Organic growth starts to appear near the 1-year mark

Is SEO better than PPC?

It’s not about addressing one versus the other. Paid Ads are very helpful to quickly increase sales and overall revenue. SEO is cost-effective and builds long-term organic traffic, making it slightly better to escalate rather than PPC. We usually recommend both PPC and SEO for your business, as acquisition is important in all business results.

Do your SEO services work from a specific process?

Even though we have clear technical processes, we are very flexible on that as every business has different needs. An SEO Consulting approach is important as we don’t want just more traffic coming from a keyword research, we want a business to increase its revenue.

Software we use