We also use Shopify as an Ecomm platform so to have a bird’s eye view of the customer data seems like an impossible task. Refindable has helped Db Journey streamline their CRM efforts and improve the organization by integrating with HubSpot and Brightpearl. We also use Shopify as an Ecomm platform so to have a bird’s eye view of the customer data seems like an impossible task.
Their work and system automation-implementation has boosted our advanced reporting capabilities. Now we have a functioning and well-synced analytics tools that have provided valuable insights into customer data, allowing us to make informed business decisions and optimize marketing strategies.Overall, Refindable has been a valuable partner in driving growth for us in many areas wholesale (B2B), CRM management for Ambassadors, CRM email marketing in (BtC), warranty and integrations a full range of solutions, and help all around!